Detours is a library that allows you to hook functions and instrument arbitrary win32 function by proxying them and re-writing the function.
Detours works by using a jmp instruction to redirect code execution.
Detours has a whitepaper which goes into further detail.
This uses a trampoline function which is a like a proxy and setups everything properly.
With hooking, we can: look at values that the function uses, make it return a certain value, or execute someone etc.
To demonstrate, lets try hooking a simple message box function.
Copy #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Windows.h>
int main ( void ){
getchar ();
MessageBox ( NULL , L"Hello world!" , L"detour" , MB_OK);
return 0 ;
We will inject a dll into the process that uses the message box, our dll will look like this.
Copy #include <detours.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
static int (WINAPI * NativeMessageBox)(
HWND hWnd ,
LPCTSTR lpText ,
LPCTSTR lpCaption ,
UINT uType
) = MessageBox;
int WINAPI MyMessageBox (
HWND hWnd ,
LPCTSTR lpText ,
LPCTSTR lpCaption ,
UINT uType) {
return NativeMessageBox (hWnd , L"Hooked" , lpCaption , uType);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hinst , DWORD dwReason , LPVOID reserved) {
switch (dwReason) {
DetourTransactionBegin ();
DetourUpdateThread ( GetCurrentThread ());
DetourAttach ( & (PVOID & )NativeMessageBox , MyMessageBox);
DetourTransactionCommit ();
break ;
break ;
break ;
DetourTransactionBegin ();
DetourUpdateThread ( GetCurrentThread ());
DetourDetach ( & (PVOID & )NativeMessageBox , MyMessageBox);
DetourTransactionCommit ();
break ;
return TRUE;
First, we make a pointer to the original MessageBox
Copy static int (WINAPI * NativeMessageBox)(
HWND hWnd ,
LPCTSTR lpText ,
LPCTSTR lpCaption ,
UINT uType
) = MessageBox;
Then, we create the "hooking function", which is the function that will replace the original message box.
Copy int WINAPI MyMessageBox (
HWND hWnd ,
LPCTSTR lpText ,
LPCTSTR lpCaption ,
UINT uType) {
return NativeMessageBox (hWnd , L"Hooked" , lpCaption , uType);
Then, when our dll gets attached, we will being hooking with this code.
Copy DetourTransactionBegin ();
DetourUpdateThread ( GetCurrentThread ());
DetourAttach ( & (PVOID & )NativeMessageBox , MyMessageBox);
DetourTransactionCommit ();
And when our dll gets detached, we will unhook the code.
Copy DetourTransactionBegin ();
DetourUpdateThread ( GetCurrentThread ());
DetourDetach ( & (PVOID & )NativeMessageBox , MyMessageBox);
DetourTransactionCommit ();
For our injector, we can use a simple dll injector or use Process hacker to inject a dll. Our next step is to then inject our dll into the target process with the messagebox function and resume execution by entering a key to get through getchar().
When injected, this DLL will change the message that the messagebox popups during execution.